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Your Home for Personalized
Eye Care in Orillia

Eye Care with
a Purpose

Our team at Orillia Optometry is dedicated to offering tailored eye care solutions for you and your loved ones. From fashionable eyewear and comprehensive eye exams to services like our dry eye therapy, vision therapy, and AMD management, we can do it all. 

Beyond enhancing your eye health, we strive to leave you beaming with satisfaction. If you haven’t encountered the joy of dedicated eye care services, then a trip to Orillia Optometry is a must!

There’s no greater reward for us than witnessing our patients’ improved eyesight. Contact us to schedule your appointment today.

Dry eyes can be a constant source of irritation and discomfort. At Orillia Optometry, we understand the frustration dry eyes can cause, and we’re dedicated to helping you find lasting relief. 

We offer a comprehensive approach to dry eye treatment, combining in-office treatments like IPL therapy and iLux with at-home solutions like eye drops, omega-3 supplements, and eyelid wipes.

Learn more about how you can get relief from your dry eye symptoms today.

Dry Eye Relief
at Orillia

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