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Getting Your Dry Eye Under Wraps This Winter

Tips to Make Your Life a Little More Comfortable Dry eye symptoms tend to flare up in the fall, winter, and summer months. There are a lot of reasons for this, though the considerable supply of reasons does little to assuage the symptoms that dry eye sufferers experience. As you can imagine, we see hundreds […]

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The Basics of Low Vision & How it Affects You

Put simply, low vision means that your eyesight is impaired to such an extent that normal corrective treatments will not help. Glasses, contact lenses and surgery are usually ineffective and no treatment is guaranteed to improve the condition. Low vision affects lives deeply. While few people experience total ‘blackness’, low vision could equal near-blindness. That’s why […]

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How To Keep Your Eyes Comfortable During Winter

Winter can be harsh on our bodies if we do not provide ourselves with proper care, attention and protection. Protecting our eyes during winter should be as important as wearing winter jackets, mittens and snow boots to shield our bodies from the elements.  Here are some ways we can protect our eyes so they remain healthy and […]

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