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Insurance & Payment Information in Orillia

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Convenient Payment & Insurance Options

Orillia Optometry provides convenient financial options to help you get access to all the eye care services you need, including comprehensive eye exams. Our payment and insurance options are designed with the thought that no two patients’ situations are alike. We take cash, debit, and credit, as well as direct billing for a variety of insurance providers.

We also offer payment options such as Affirm for your convenience. Contact us to schedule an appointment and learn more about your payment and insurance options at Orillia Optometry.

Pay at Your Own Pace with Affirm

We partner with Affirm to help our patients pay at their own pace. With Affirm, you can pick the payment option that works for you. You can manage your payments in the Affirm app or online. 

Ask our team today if you have any questions or concerns about using Affirm as a payment method. 

Participating Insurance Providers

We direct bill to various different insurance providers to streamline your eye care experience at Orillia Optometry.

If you don’t see your insurance plan listed above, please contact us. Our team can let you know if we can accept your insurance plan before you come in for your appointment. 

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