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Our Practice in Orilla

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Orillia Optometry’s Eye Care Philosophy

At Orillia Optometry, we’re committed to educating our patients on preserving their eye health and vision, empowering them to make informed decisions. Our team maintains broad product knowledge while staying updated on modern eye care practices.

We offer services for the entire family. From comprehensive eye exams to myopia control and dry eye therapy to eye disease diagnosis and management, we’re here to help protect your eye health and vision. We also offer a wide selection of frames and lenses, as well as contact lens exams and fittings. 

Our goal is to provide you and your family with personalized care. Schedule an appointment with us today.

Giving Back Locally,
Nationally, & Globally

Orillia Optometry is a conscientious practice that is proud to assist those in need. We strive to support initiatives that make a difference in our community, country, and world. We partner with:

At Neema Child Project, we provide orphans from Uganda with free eye exams and glasses if needed.

Eye Esthetics at Orillia Optometry

At Orillia Optometry, we offer eye esthetic treatments using intense pulsed light (IPL) technology to provide noninvasive solutions for a refreshed, youthful look.

Our IPL treatments target common skin concerns like fine lines, dark spots, redness, and uneven tone. This technology delivers precise pulses of light to rejuvenate the skin by:

  • Reducing redness and rosacea
  • Fading sun damage and age spots
  • Stimulating collagen production

Learn more about esthetic treatments by scheduling your consultation today.

Our History

Founded nearly 5 decades ago, Orillia Optometry was established to provide eye care to our community. Our core values have remained the same throughout the years. We aim to support our patients with personalized eye care.

After relocating in 2010, we moved again in February 2017 to a new, nearby location to accommodate our growing practice. Recently, we extended our hours into the evenings to better serve professionals who can only make appointments after 5 p.m.

At Orillia Optometry, we build trust and confidence through education and support so every patient feels valued, respected, and understood.

Schedule a Visit Today

Orillia Optometry is here for you and your family. Schedule an appointment with us today, and we’ll help protect your eye health and vision. 

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