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Adult & Senior Eye Exams in Orillia

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Warm & Welcoming Comprehensive Eye Care

If you’re an adult or senior, receiving comprehensive eye exams is important for maintaining your eye health and vision. Our eye exams are about more than just assessing your vision at various distances. We use modern technology to examine your eyes’ internal structure and detect any signs of disease.

Many eye conditions, such as AMD, don’t have obvious symptoms in their early stages, which makes regular exams important for detecting and treating them early. Once we establish your baseline eye health, we can monitor any changes that may occur over time. 

We want to help you make informed decisions about your eye health and vision. Schedule an appointment today.

How Often Do I Need an Eye Exam?

Regular eye exams are important for monitoring your vision and eye health, regardless of age. We recommend:

  • Adults (20–64): receive an exam every 1–2 years.
  • Seniors (65+): receive an annual eye exam.

Even if your vision feels stable, subtle problems may be developing. These regular checkups can catch any changes early. Depending on your risk for certain eye and health conditions, we may suggest a customized exam schedule.

Why Are Regular Eye Exams Important?

It’s natural for our eyes to change as we age and with our health. Conditions like presbyopia and cataracts are associated with aging and can impact your vision. 

Regular eye exams are important because they allow us to monitor any changes to your eye health. We’ll check your prescription and update it if needed, but we’ll also monitor your health and vision over time. We are committed to helping you navigate changes to your eye health with comprehensive, personalized care.

What Happens During an Eye Exam?

When you walk into Orillia Optometry, you’ll be welcomed by our friendly and inviting team. If this is your first time with us, we’ll take time to understand your eye health history, the medications you may be taking, and any current concerns you may have.

We then perform a series of tests to assess different areas of your vision, including:

  • Focusing abilities
  • Eye coordination
  • Binocular vision
  • Depth perception
  • Colour vision
  • Overall eye health

We’ll also check for signs of eye diseases. Certain diseases can go undetected, so it’s crucial to catch them before serious symptoms occur.

Are Eye Exams Covered?

Senior (65+) eye exams may be covered by the Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) if you’re a resident of Ontario. Certain medical conditions that can affect your eyes may also be covered. 

If you have questions regarding coverage, please contact us. Our friendly team will strive to answer your questions about insurance and payment. 

Schedule Your Next Eye Exam Today

If you’re due for a comprehensive eye exam or are worried about changes to your eye health, we can help. Schedule an appointment with us today. 

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