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Children’s Eye Exams in Orillia

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Protecting Your Children’s Eye Health & Vision

Protecting your child’s eye health is important. Children often can’t express vision changes from conditions like myopia and may not realize their vision is different. Regular, comprehensive eye exams can make it possible to detect vision problems early and help determine whether your child may benefit from more specific forms of eye care, such as vision therapy

The Canadian Association of Optometrists estimates over 25% of school-age children have vision issues, yet only 14% of children under six receive regular exams. Clear vision can make a tremendous difference in a child’s life both at school and at home, but school screenings often aren’t enough to meet their needs. 

We want to help your child see clearly. Comprehensive exams are the first step. 

Myopia Control at Orillia Optometry

Myopia, or nearsightedness, is a common vision condition that affects many children. It can impact their ability to see distant objects clearly. We understand the importance of addressing myopia early, which can prevent it from affecting your child’s performance in and out of the classroom.

Myopia management is 1 of our 7 Pillars of Excellence. 

How Often Does My Child Need an Eye Exam?

We recommend regular eye exams to support your child’s vision development. Children can have their first eye exam as early as 6 months old. Following guidelines from the Canadian Association of Optometrists, we recommend the following:

  • Infants (6–9 months): 1 eye exam
  • Preschoolers (2–5 years): At least 1 eye exam
  • School-aged children (6–19 years): Annual eye exams

Each child is unique, and we’ll assess your child’s specific needs during their first visit to determine their exam frequency. Regular checkups help us monitor their vision and eye health, which can set the foundation for long-term clear sight.

Schedule Your Child’s Next Eye Exam Today

We want to help you protect your child’s eye health and vision. Schedule their eye exam with us today.

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