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Contact Lens Exams, Fittings, & Brands in Orillia

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Do I Need a Contact Lens Prescription if I Already Have My Glasses Prescription?

Yes, you do. Your contact lens prescription is different from the glasses prescription you receive during your annual comprehensive eye exam. During a contact lens fitting, we’ll complete specific tests and measurements to help you get contact lenses that fit your eyes comfortably and meet your vision needs. 

Contacts can be a convenient alternative to glasses because they can help you avoid issues like your glasses fogging up during poor weather or slipping and breaking during physical activities. They can also be a great option for changing your style. 

If you’re new to wearing contacts or experiencing discomfort with your current lenses, schedule an appointment today. 

Our Contact Lens Fittings Process

Fittings can take 60–90 minutes and involve trialling lenses and assessing their comfort. We’ll also teach you how to insert, remove, and care for your lenses.

You may have to wear the trial lenses for a week before returning for a final assessment. We’ll double-check that the lens fit, type, and material work for you. If the lenses suit your needs, you can purchase a supply of contacts.

Our Contact Lenses

At Orillia Optometry, we offer a wide range of contact lenses to suit your lifestyle and vision needs. Whether you prefer regular wear, daily wear, or the convenience of daily disposable lenses. From specialized lenses to everyday options, we aim to help you find contact lenses that offer clear vision without sacrificing comfort. 

Finding contact lenses for your eyes involves 3 steps: the exam, the fitting, and the trial period. Our team will walk you through the process and answer any questions or concerns you may have about your new lenses.

Scleral lenses are larger than standard contact lenses and rest on the white part of your eye. They’re ideal for those with an irregular eye shape or severe dry eye and can provide comfort and clarity.

Orthokeratology (ortho-k) lenses can gently reshape the eye overnight, offering clear vision during the day without the need for additional glasses or contacts. These lenses can temporarily correct myopia and help children manage the long-term effects of myopia.

Toric lenses are designed for patients with astigmatism. They have different prescriptions along different parts of the lens and are designed to maintain a specific position on your eye. They’re available in soft and rigid gas-permeable materials.


Multifocal contact lenses can correct both near and distance vision in 1 lens, which can make them ideal for patients with presbyopia. They can offer a smooth transition between different focal lengths and may remove the need for bifocals or reading glasses.


Spherical contact lenses are designed to correct nearsightedness or farsightedness. These lenses are available in a range of materials like hydrogel or silicone hydrogel and wear schedules so that we can find the perfect fit for your eyes and lifestyle.

Spherical lenses work by altering the way light enters your eye, focusing it correctly on the retina.

Contact Lenses & Eye Health

Our goal is to help you find the lenses that suit your needs and provide comfort and clear vision throughout the day. We don’t stop there, though. We also offer ongoing care to address any issues that may arise.

We’ve outlined a few tips to help you keep your eyes healthy. Your optometrist will also provide you with hygiene instructions for your contact lens.

  • Never use saliva as a cleaning solution
  • Always use fresh contact lens solution each night
  • Avoid washing your contacts with tap water to prevent infection
  • Consult your optometrist to find the contact solution that works for your lenses
  • Discard your lenses rather than risk contamination if you don’t have lens solution or a case

Schedule Your Next Contact Lens Exam & Fitting Today

If you need new contact lenses or to update your prescription, Orillia Optometry can help. Schedule an appointment with us today. 

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