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Emergency Eye Care in Orillia

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What Should I Do if I Have an Eye Emergency?

Your eyes are very sensitive, and even minor injuries can have lifelong consequences. Contact us immediately if you experience an eye emergency while in the Orillia area. We can perform an eye exam to assess the emergency and determine whether it can be treated in our office. 

If you’re experiencing a significant eye injury or loss of vision, you may need to visit an emergency room immediately. Please use your best judgment in this situation.

Your eye health is our priority, and we are committed to providing prompt and effective care when you need it most. Contact us today.

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What Are the Signs of
an Eye Emergency?

Certain symptoms should never be ignored, as they can indicate an eye emergency. If you experience vision loss of any kind, contact us immediately. If you cannot reach us, go to the nearest emergency room.

Other signs of an eye emergency include:

  • Eye pain
  • Severe headaches
  • Double vision
  • Extreme redness
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Bleeding and bruising
  • Pupils of different sizes
  • Severe stinging and burning sensations

Orillia Optometry Is Here for Eye Emergencies

If you work with tools and chemicals or if you spend a lot of time outdoors in the sun, we recommend using safety eyewear. Schedule an appointment with us today for more tips on protecting your vision.

Contact us promptly within our business hours or visit an emergency care centre for emergency eye care.

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