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Laser Eye Surgery Consultation in Orillia

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Laser Eye Surgery Consultations with Orillia Optometry

Laser eye surgery can be a more permanent solution for patients who experience vision errors because it can decrease or eliminate their need for glasses or contacts. Our team can evaluate your eyes to determine if you’re a suitable candidate for procedures like LASIK or PRK. 

During your consultation, we’ll discuss your medical history, conduct a series of eye tests, and answer any questions you may have. We aim to help you make an informed decision about your vision correction options.

Each procedure has its potential benefits and risks. Our goal is to help you understand how each option works. To learn more, schedule an appointment today.

Am I a Candidate for Laser Eye Surgery?

We partner with local, experienced surgeons, but only some are good candidates for laser eye surgery. The following conditions should be met to be considered for the procedure:

  • You’re over 18.
  • You’re in good health.
  • You’re free from infection.
  • You have a stable vision prescription.
  • You don’t have severe dry eye.

Please note glaucoma and cataracts may make you ineligible for surgery.

Lasik & PRK

At Orillia Optometry, we offer consultations for various types of laser eye surgery, including LASIK and PRK. Each procedure is tailored to match specific conditions and lifestyles. Our team will discuss your options, which can help you decide which treatment suits your needs.

LASIK is a popular laser eye surgery that involves creating a small flap in the corneal tissue. While the flap is folded back, the surgeon will reshape your cornea. Once this is completed and the flap is repositioned, your eye can heal naturally.

PRK is similar to LASIK but without the creation of a flap. Instead, the outer layers of the corneal tissue are removed using a laser. The underlying tissue is then reshaped to correct your vision. The healing process can take slightly longer than LASIK but PRK offers an alternative for patients with corneal conditions that may make them ineligible for LASIK.

Schedule Your Laser Eye Surgery Consultation Today

Laser eye surgery can offer many benefits, including the possibility of reducing or eliminating the need for glasses or contact lenses. Our team can help you decide if the procedure is right for you. Schedule an appointment now.

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