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Myopia Control in Orillia

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Helping Protect Your Child’s Vision

Myopia (nearsightedness) is a common vision condition where distant objects appear blurry while close objects are seen clearly. It occurs when the eye becomes too long and causes light rays to bend incorrectly. 

Myopia typically begins in childhood and can progress rapidly, making regular comprehensive eye exams important for early detection and management. At Orillia Optometry, we understand the importance of protecting your child’s vision. Our team is committed to providing myopia control tailored to your child’s unique needs. 

Schedule an appointment with us to learn more about myopia management. We want to help safeguard your child’s vision and eye health.

What Happens if Myopia
Goes Untreated?

If untreated, myopia may lead to further vision problems and can impact daily activities like driving, sports, and academic performance. Progressive myopia can also increase a child’s risk of developing other eye conditions later in life, including retinal detachment, myopic macular degeneration, glaucoma, and cataracts. 

Early intervention is important for slowing myopia progression and reducing the risk of long-term complications for your child.

Diagram comparing the way light focuses in a normal eye versus a myopic one.

Symptoms & Causes of Myopia

Symptoms of myopia include difficulty seeing distant objects, squinting, eye strain, and headaches. Children might struggle to see the board at school or sit very close to the TV if they have myopia.

Myopia is often hereditary but its development can also be influenced by prolonged close-up tasks like reading or using digital devices. The underlying cause of myopia is an elongation of the eye that changes how light is focused inside the eye, resulting in blurry vision. 

Clear Vision for Successful Learning

When your child is having issues with their vision, it can affect their schoolwork and mental health. They may fall behind in class because they struggle to read at a distance or see the board. Additionally, children with myopia can have difficulty participating in outdoor activities like gym class or sports.

How Does Orillia Optometry Manage Myopia?

Myopia control can help protect your child’s sight. At Orillia Optometry, we offer comprehensive myopia management tailored to your child’s needs. We aim to slow myopia progression to support your child’s vision and overall well-being. 

With specialized contact lenses and eye drops, we can provide a variety of treatments to help your child control the effects of myopia. 

Orthokeratology (ortho-k) lenses are worn overnight while your child is asleep. After removing the lenses in the morning, your child can enjoy clear vision throughout the day without needing to rely on glasses or other contact lenses. For some children, ortho-k contacts can also help slow the progression of myopia.

This option can be a practical solution for managing mild to moderate myopia, and these lenses can be ideal for active children because they can help them participate in sports without worrying about glasses.

Atropine is used during eye exams to dilate the eyes. When used daily in low doses, atropine drops can help control myopia progression by suppressing eye growth.

While atropine may help slow myopia advancement, your child may still need glasses or contacts for clear vision during the day.

MiSight lenses are daily disposable contacts specifically designed to slow the progression of myopia, or nearsightedness, which can help reduce the risk of developing serious eye conditions later in life.

Clinical studies have shown that MiSight lenses can slow myopia progression by up to 59% when worn consistently. These lenses use dual-focus technology to provide clear vision and manage eye growth, making them a safe and effective choice for young patients.

ACUVUE Abiliti soft contacts are designed for comfort, helping keep your child’s eyes fresh and hydrated throughout the day. These contacts manage myopia by altering how light focuses on the retina, signalling the eye to slow its growth and reduce myopia progression.

ZEISS MyoCare lenses feature a central zone of clarity and myopic defocus on the lens’s peripherals to help control myopia progression. These lenses are made from high-quality materials and can offer clear, sharp vision and comfort. They are available in single-vision and progressive options, allowing you to choose what suits your child’s needs.

Stellest lenses are designed to manage myopia in children by correcting vision and slowing its progression, helping them enjoy clear vision now and in the future. Clinical trials show that wearing Stellest lenses for 12 hours a day can slow myopia progression by 67% on average compared to single-vision lenses.

These lenses feature a unique constellation of lenslets that signal the retina to slow eye growth, reducing myopia progression while providing clear central vision and managing peripheral defocus.

Stellest lenses can offer numerous benefits, including improved visual acuity, reduced myopia progression, and increased comfort. These lenses are crafted from durable materials, which can improve comfort. With Stellest lenses, your child can enjoy clear vision and not be limited from participating in daily activities.

Take Our Myopia Quiz

Need more clarity? Take our myopia quiz down below.

Schedule a Visit Today

Myopia control can help your child participate in schoolwork and outdoor activities with full support for their vision and long-term eye health. Schedule an appointment with us to learn more about myopia management.

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