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Vision Therapy in Orillia

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What Is Vision Therapy?

Vision therapy is aimed at correcting or enhancing your visual skills. It’s a personalized, evidence-based program led by our team to help strengthen the connection between your brain and your eyes.

Several visual skills are connected to your ability to see clearly. When underlying eye conditions or traumatic brain injuries affect your eyes’ ability to work together with your brain, your vision may be affected. Vision therapy can help address those challenges. 

Vision therapy can help children and adults address several forms of vision dysfunction. Schedule an appointment to learn more.

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What Conditions Can Vision Therapy Treat?

Vision therapy can help treat:

  • Eye strain 
  • Vision challenges caused by a traumatic brain injury or concussion
  • Eye misalignment caused by conditions like strabismus (crossed eyes) and amblyopia (lazy eye)

Vision therapy can also improve hand-eye coordination, visual awareness, and athletic performance.

Schedule a Visit Today

Vision therapy can help improve reading and learning skills, assist in concussion recovery, and strengthen the visual system. Book a visual skills assessment today to learn whether vision therapy is right for you or your child.

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