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Category: Vision Therapy

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Is Vision Therapy Covered by OHIP?

View from behind a patient's head as she sits in a chair and looks at a Snellen chart as directed by the optometrist

Vision health plays an important role in your overall well-being, particularly for growing children. Regular eye exams are crucial for maintaining clear and comfortable eyesight. However, vision therapy, a treatment plan of exercises that helps to improve the visual system, can also contribute to long term vision health. Unlike coverage for eye exams, OHIP (Ontario […]

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When Is It Too Late to Treat a Lazy Eye?

A portrait of a boy smiling big with a patch on his eyeglasses. Eye patch for glasses to treat lazy eye.

For decades, the leading thought was that only children under the age of 10 would respond well to treatment for lazy eye. Experts believed that lazy eye couldn’t be treated unless optometrists, doctors, or parents identified it in elementary school. But now, treatment options are more available. The window for intervention is growing, and optometrists […]

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How Long Does Vision Therapy Take?

a child sits on their mother's lap while an optometrist has her look through a lens for vision therapy

Seeing Results When most people think of healthy vision, they might consider 20/20 vision a high standard. While seeing distances clearly is helpful, reading letters off a wall is not the only way we use our eyes. Every day we rely on various visual skills, such as depth perception or spatial learning.  Vision therapy can […]

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