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Those suffering from headaches, blurred vision, eye strain or eye fatigue may find that they are experiencing astigmatism, a condition involving an irregularly shaped cornea that develops when light fails to focus appropriately on the retina. A common symptom among astigmatism sufferers is an inability to view objects clearly at a variety of distances and instead seeing them as distorted or particularly blurry.

Many people have astigmatism to varying degrees, and the condition is often a result of genetics, the way the eye grows or how much pressure the eyelids place on the cornea. Several treatment methods exist to help minimize the symptoms of astigmatism. If your eye doctor uncovers the condition during an eye exam, he or she may recommend treatment in the form of eye therapy or the use of traditional glasses or contact lenses.

Written by
Shawn Moore

Dr. Shawn Moore graduated from the University of Waterloo in 1995 with a Bachelor of Science degree and then attended the School of Optometry at the University of Waterloo, graduating with a Doctor of Optometry degree in 2000. Dr. Moore began his career in Barrie, moving to Orillia and purchasing what is now Orillia Optometry in 2001.

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