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Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD)

Age-related macular degeneration is a condition where the macula, a small section of the retina, deteriorates. This declination occurs as a byproduct of the natural progression of age, but the process can be slowed by taking certain steps. These include consuming vitamins recommended by your Optometrist, getting regular eye health exams and attaining an early […]

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Eye Allergies (Itchy, Red, and/or Burning Eyes)?

a man rubs his eyes due to itching and burning

In theory, we only have to worry about seasonal allergies once or twice a year for a few weeks. However, the reality is that throughout much of Canada, “allergy season” can persist for most of the year to some degree, depending on the levels of pollen and other allergens. We are quick to treat uncomfortable […]

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Dry Eye

Affecting more than 30% of Canadians, the condition of dry eye is very common. Despite this, many of these cases are undiagnosed or treated inefficiently via the employment of over-the-counter artificial tears. This is a major reason we have developed a specialty in treating patients suffering from dry eye at Orillia Optometry. Our Optometrists are ready […]

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LASIK Surgery

A refractive surgical technique used to correct hyperopia, myopia and astigmatism, LASIK is done by Ophthalmologists employing a laser. For many patients needing help with their vision, LASIK is considered a positive alternative to wearing contact lenses or corrective eyewear. Patients need to go through several steps during the pre-operative period in order to be […]

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Understanding the Human Eye

A single organ consisting of numerous interconnected components that work in concert to send visual data to the brain’s visual context, the human eye is complex and highly efficient. Each section is essential in order for vision to function optimally. Healthy eyes are one of the most important parts of being able to competently navigate […]

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Three Easy Ways to Protect Your Eyes

After four decades of bringing top quality eye care to the city of Orillia, there is still nothing that motivates our doctors like helping you protect your eyes. While treatment options are available for more eye problems than ever before, we can’t stress enough to our patients the importance of preventative eye care. If you want […]

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