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Category: Eye Conditions

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Can You Get Blepharitis From Eyelash Extensions?

A close up of someone getting eyelash extensions

Eyelash extensions can give you that bold, dramatic look, but they can also involve potential risks. One concern? Blepharitis—a condition where the eyelids become inflamed. Poor hygiene, adhesive reactions, or buildup at the lash line can increase the likelihood of developing this uncomfortable eye issue. Properly caring for your lashes, getting regular check-ups for your […]

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Myopia Control: Management & Treatment

Screen time and close-up work have become a major part of our daily lives. And while evidence of the connection between screen time and myopia, or nearsightedness, is mixed, there’s no denying myopia is becoming a more common condition worldwide. As a parent, you want to support your child’s healthy vision, and for kids with […]

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