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Dr. Jessica Ha in Orillia

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Dr. Jessica Ha graduated with Dean’s Honours from the University of Waterloo in 2021 with both an Honours Bachelor of Science and Doctor of Optometry degree. Her clerkships throughout Canada allowed her to gain valuable experience in the management of ocular disease, as well as primary care in rural settings.

Dr. Ha welcomes patients of all ages to Orillia Optometry with a passion for patient-centred care and a special interest in dry eye and myopia management. When she’s not asking patients if they prefer 1 or 2, you can find her at the ski slopes, volleyball courts, or bouldering gyms.

Why Statement: To listen and deliver a standard of care based on respect, truth, and honesty so that it creates an atmosphere that encourages questions and builds trust.

Written by
Dr. Wes McCann

Dr. McCann earned his two Bachelor of Science degrees (both with honours) at Western University in London, Ontario, before going on to earn his Bachelor of Vision Science, accelerated MBA, and Doctor of Optometry degrees at the Nova Southeastern University (NSU) of Optometry in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

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