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Dr. Shawn Moore in Orillia

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Dr. Shawn Moore graduated from the University of Waterloo in 1995 with a Bachelor of Science degree and then attended the School of Optometry at the University of Waterloo, graduating with a Doctor of Optometry degree in 2000. Dr. Moore began his career in Barrie, moving to Orillia and purchasing what is now Orillia Optometry in 2001.

Dr. Moore thoroughly enjoys primary care optometry, but his specific areas of interest are vision therapy, concussion management, contact lenses, myopia management, and dry eye. He wants you to always leave educated about your eyes and the problems you may be having, and about the amazing products and solutions that are available for you.

Why Statement: To provide and receive experiences and solutions built on trust and equality that are believed, honest, and without spin so that needs are met through information, understanding, personal growth, and respect.

Written by
Dr. Wes McCann

Dr. McCann earned his two Bachelor of Science degrees (both with honours) at Western University in London, Ontario, before going on to earn his Bachelor of Vision Science, accelerated MBA, and Doctor of Optometry degrees at the Nova Southeastern University (NSU) of Optometry in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

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