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Do Glasses Make Your Eyes Worse?

A person wearing glasses smiling, on a blue background.

Many people wonder, “Do glasses make your eyes worse over time?” The simple answer is no—wearing glasses does not weaken your eyes or cause your vision to deteriorate. Glasses are designed to correct refractive errors, helping you see clearly. If your prescription changes over time, it’s due to natural vision changes, not because of wearing […]

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How to Unclog Meibomian Glands

Man rubbing his eyes due to dry eyes discomfort while working late at a desk.

Dry eyes can interfere with daily life, making activities like reading, working, or spending time outdoors uncomfortable. One common cause of dry eye symptoms is clogged meibomian glands, which play a crucial role in keeping your eyes hydrated and comfortable. Treatment options such as intense pulsed light therapy and iLux are designed to target blockages […]

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Why Do My Eyes Water in Cold Weather?

Close-up of a hiker bundled up in warm snow gear, a yellow toque and a black scarf covering their whole face save their eyes

Have you ever stepped outside on a crisp winter morning only to find your eyes watering uncontrollably? You’re not alone. While there are several contributing factors, the primary reason your eyes water in cold weather is because cold air causes evaporation, which causes your eyes to tear up in order to maintain the proper lubrication. […]

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Can You Get Blepharitis From Eyelash Extensions?

A close up of someone getting eyelash extensions

Eyelash extensions can give you that bold, dramatic look, but they can also involve potential risks. One concern? Blepharitis—a condition where the eyelids become inflamed. Poor hygiene, adhesive reactions, or buildup at the lash line can increase the likelihood of developing this uncomfortable eye issue. Properly caring for your lashes, getting regular check-ups for your […]

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Is Macular Degeneration Hereditary?

an optometrist is using a model of an eye to explain macular degeneration and whether it is hereditary.

Macular degeneration is an eye condition that often surfaces in conversations about aging and eye health, particularly due to its status as a leading cause of vision loss among older adults. Affecting millions of Canadians, understanding the hereditary aspects of macular degeneration can help influence both prevention strategies and management approaches.  Macular degeneration is a […]

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Contact Lens Prescription vs Glasses: Is There a Difference?

An optometrist holding a pair of glasses in one hand and a contact lens case in the other.

Contact lenses and glasses are the two most popular forms of vision correction for most people. They both provide clear vision by correcting refractive errors. However, the technology behind these lenses differs, and so will their prescriptions.  Contacts and glasses have unique vision prescriptions that aren’t interchangeable. Because of how they sit on the eye, […]

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Are Polarized Sunglasses Actually Better?

Grey sunglasses with dark lenses propped up on sea shells by the beach.

Sunglasses are more than a fashion accessory—they’re an essential tool for safeguarding our eye health and enhancing vision in bright conditions. With the advent of polarized sunglasses, the marketplace buzzes with claims of superior protection and clarity. But what sets polarized sunglasses apart, and are they genuinely a superior choice? The reality is polarized lenses […]

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Does Dry Eye Cause Blindness?

A young man sitting at a desk with his laptop, squeezing the bridge of his nose as he squeezes his eyes shut and holds his glasses in his right hand

If you’ve ever noticed a gritty and burning sensation, almost as if there’s a piece of sand trapped underneath your eyelid, you likely had dry eye disease. This is an extremely common eye condition that can cause symptoms ranging from discomfort to blurry vision, and while it’s treatable, it affects millions of people every day. […]

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