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Waking Up with Dry Eyes: Causes and Solutions

A woman in a purple robe rubbing her eye with her hand after waking with dry eyes.

Waking up with dry eyes can be a frustrating experience. Understanding the cause and potential solutions to this problem can help you find much-needed relief and avoid dry eye complications. There are a variety of potential dry eye causes, including environmental factors, computer vision syndrome, long-term contact lens usage, and certain medications. If you’re waking […]

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When Is It Too Late to Treat a Lazy Eye?

A portrait of a boy smiling big with a patch on his eyeglasses. Eye patch for glasses to treat lazy eye.

For decades, the leading thought was that only children under the age of 10 would respond well to treatment for lazy eye. Experts believed that lazy eye couldn’t be treated unless optometrists, doctors, or parents identified it in elementary school. But now, treatment options are more available. The window for intervention is growing, and optometrists […]

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Why Do Babies Cross Their Eyes?

A baby boy is sitting in his green carrier with his eyes crossed.

Certain eye conditions can occur in babies in the first few months of their life. Crossed eyes (clinically known as strabismus) is a typical condition in newborns.  When looking at your baby, you may notice that one eye looks right at you but the other wanders in a different direction. There’s usually no need for […]

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What Happens If You Don’t Treat Dry Eye?

a person with dry eye uses eye drops for relief

Dry eye is a common condition that typically requires treatment to improve comfort. Depending on the severity of your condition, your eye doctor may recommend at-home or in-office treatments. While you can relieve dry eyes, what happens if you avoid treating them?  Continue reading to learn more about dry eyes, what causes them, and what […]

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How Long Does Vision Therapy Take?

a child sits on their mother's lap while an optometrist has her look through a lens for vision therapy

Seeing Results When most people think of healthy vision, they might consider 20/20 vision a high standard. While seeing distances clearly is helpful, reading letters off a wall is not the only way we use our eyes. Every day we rely on various visual skills, such as depth perception or spatial learning.  Vision therapy can […]

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Hyperopia (Farsightedness)

Those who experience headaches, eye strain or eye fatigue, particularly when attempting to focus on close-up objects, may be suffering from a condition known as hyperopia, or farsightedness. Hyperopia occurs when the pupil is unable to bend or redirect light that enters it as intended. Hyperopia sufferers are generally able to see far away objects […]

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